Color Psychology in Digital Marketing

By Richard Bruckner,

At Iconogram Group, our team of talented analysts, content creators, writers and editors operate with one central goal in mind: to provide your business with the best possible web presence. Most business owners know just how important it is to market their products or services online – digital marketing is officially the most effective way to promote your brand these days. Therefore, it’s imperative to develop a web presence that’s the very best reflection of your business. While using social media may seem like a fairly basic practice, at Iconogram Group we know what an intricate science is involved in building a thriving digital marketing campaign.
Our team studiously analyzes every facet of your business and your brand identity in order to develop strategies and techniques that captivate users and inspire customer loyalty. 74% of modern consumers make purchases through social media. Therefore, establishing a successful digital footprint is now more important than ever. Like we said: it’s an intricate science, and no detail, however seemingly trivial, can afford to be overlooked. This includes everything from the tone of your captions to the frequency of your posting, and even the use of color.
As human beings, we’re visual creatures, and optical stimulation plays a major role in how we operate, whether we’re aware of it or not. As a matter of fact, even the most subtle visual influences can play a significant role in the way we go about making decisions. For example: did you know that the famous McDonald’s red-and-yellow color scheme was a careful, deliberate choice? That’s right – McDonald’s executives chose this particular combination because it has a subconscious, but significant, effect on our psyches – it both stimulates our appetites and infuses us with a sense of welcome and optimism. Also, as an added bonus, it reminds us of ketchup and mustard.
At Iconogram Group, when deliberating on the most effective digital marketing strategies for your business, we also take the use of color into careful consideration. In this post, we’ll break down the impact of color in web content and how different colors can influence consumers. Keep reading to find out more!

Color & Our Brains

The way that color affects our psyches isn’t just a theory. In fact, there have been numerous studies that prove it has a quantifiable impact on our brains. A recent study in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science examined the science behind how human beings interpret and process color. It also explored the way that modern marketing agencies utilize color psychology to influence consumers.
The study found that colors have a massive impact on the way our brains store and process memories, which starts at a very young age. The more competent businesses and digital marketing agencies apply color in order to direct us towards making purchases every day.
Another study found that a business’s social media conversion rates increased by 21% simply by changing the color of their buttons from green to red. That’s right – their conversion rates experienced a measurable increase by doing nothing except for changing the color of their buttons. And that’s the power of color in influencing human behavior.

What Colors Can Do For Your Brand Identity

So now that we know the power of color when it comes to marketing, the question is: how do you know which colors to use for your business? It’s understandable that you may initially be tempted to simply choose your favorite color for your logo or social media. It’s your favorite color for a reason, and you’ll probably think it looks best in your digital imagery. However, even though it’s difficult to accept, the truth is that your personal color preference may not actually be the best representation of your brand, or the color most likely to produce the results you’re looking for.
So how do you know which color is most likely to play a positive role in your social media? Below, we’ve listed some of the most popular colors and the feelings they tend to evoke in consumers. With this information, we can help you to develop the absolute best (and most effective) identity for your business and its digital content.

Blue: This color tends to have a serene, calming effect on people. It’s also associated with wisdom, strength and trust. Facebook and Twitter use blue to represent unity and a reliable place to stay connected with friends.
Red: Red is a color that has a powerful effect on our psyches – it’s a color of power, passion and excitement. It can instill a sense of leadership, energy and innovation and urgency – that’s why it’s often used on sports cars and lingerie.
Yellow: Most people associate yellow with a sense of joy, optimism, intellect and positivity. It’s also the color that tends to be the most distinct in most peoples’ minds, so it will most likely get their attention. It’s also commonly associated with happiness and fun.
Green: Most consumers associate green with a feeling of peace, a sense of quality, health, growth and freshness. Others may instantly think of money, commerce, wealth and finance. A lot of companies use green to establish a sense of responsibility and trustworthiness.
Black: While black may seem a counterintuitive color choice, because of the possible negative associations of evil, coldness and oppression, it can also be enormously powerful. When most of us see black executed properly in marketing, we think of luxury, elegance, sophistication, high quality and a feeling of exclusivity.
Purple: Traditionally, purple evokes a feeling of creativity, royalty, imagination and even a sense of mystery. Businesses looking to project a feeling of an imaginative culture often use purple in their color scheme. It also helps to instill a feeling of serenity and trust, which, when combined with feelings of creativity and imagination, can be enormously positive for your business.

Conclusion – Iconogram Group

In order to establish the very best digital image for your business, at Iconogram Group, color is, without a doubt, a significant step towards building your identity. We’ll collaborate with you every step of the way to ensure we’re evoking just the right image, an image that will produce the desired results. While color is undeniably important, we’ll also take steps to engage loyal, organic followers and generate high-quality content to keep your web presence active and relevant.
For more information on Iconogram Group or our services, contact us today!

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What We Can Do For Your Business in the First 30 Days

By Richard Bruckner,

Here at Iconogram Group, we’re passionate about doing everything we can to help businesses thrive online. Our team of content creators, designers and web specialists are committed to providing your company with an unforgettable digital footprint that’s the best possible reflection of your brand. We start by assessing precisely what makes your business singular and unique, analyze the needs your team fulfills, and continue from there to develop a web presence that attracts new clients and keeps existing customers happy. In essence, one of our primary goals for your business is new and enhanced visibility.

It’s no secret that these days, your business’s web presence directly informs your overall growth. Without a concerted effort towards constructing your website and social media, your company could, essentially, atrophy and remain stagnant when it comes to prospective customers. It’s impossible to thrive without a base of followers engaged with your company and interested in what you have to offer. At Iconogram Group, using carefully-developed strategies and imaginative tactics, within the first thirty days we can earn you a substantial increase in clicks, followers, impressions and engagements. With increased visibility, your company will steadily begin to flourish.

In this post, we’ll break down precisely what we can do for your business within the first thirty days of working on your behalf. It’s important to note that these statistics reflect the actual work we’ve done for one of our clients, and the results that we’ve obtained for them within the first thirty days. Keep reading to find out more!

Profile Visits & Increased Followers

Naturally, one of the fundamental aspects of building an effective social media is attracting as many pairs of eyeballs to your profile as possible. Of course, you want a page that entices users to visit and take a look at the content you’re posting. This is basically the very first step towards earning new customers with an interest in your products or services. At Iconogram Group, we’re committed to maximizing your profile visits.

As a matter of fact, our client’s social media page visits increased by 193% within the first thirty days of enlisting the help of Iconogram Group! We achieved this extraordinary increase in visitors by posting content on a daily basis, posting stories regularly, and generating memorable content that enhances the most positive attributes of their business.

In addition to improving the number of profile visitors, we also secured 262 new followers in the first thirty days! At Iconogram Group, we place a high priority on maximizing your followers, however: our focus is not simply on increasing that number for the sake of increasing it. We aim to make sure the followers we gain for you have a genuine interest and enthusiasm for your products or services. We want your followers to engage, discuss and participate in your social media, and those are the people we target. Essentially, it’s all about building a community, not just gaining followers who won’t have a positive impact on your social media.

Engagements & Impressions

Like we said: our aim is to build a community that will benefit your business. Therefore, we take several measures to refine your social media pages in order to make them as impactful as possible. An engagement describes any action that a user takes on your social media page, actions like sharing posts, “likes” and comments. Increased engagements means an increase in enthusiastic, avid participants with a genuine interest in what you have to offer – in short: it means that your social media is succeeding.

After thirty days of managing this client’s social media, their page engagements increased by 13.6K%. That’s right, you read that correctly. We pulled out all the stops to inspire users to visit and engage with their social media, and the results were a rapid, astronomical improvement. With a few calculated efforts, we managed to absolutely revolutionize the number of users taking an interest in their business’s page.

We also saw significant increases in the number of impressions we obtained, or the amount of people we managed to reach. Impressions, in essence, describes the users who saw the photos, videos, content, stories or any other post we shared on their page. Each week saw steadily escalating numbers of page impressions, ranging from 4,200-5,500 people per week! And this is just the first thirty days. As we continue to manage your social media for you, these numbers will only grow substantially greater over time.

Content Creation

One of the most important principles of social media management is the content created for your page. Without high-quality content, it’s difficult (impossible, really) to see increases in followers, engagements, impressions, etc. That’s why, at Iconogram Group, our team is committed to generating unforgettable content that yields the best possible results for your business. Our writer, designers and content creators first determine precisely what kind of material will benefit your brand the most, then develop a plan for your page that’s sure to inspire as many enthusiastic followers as possible. We also refine the content based on the specific platform – for example, for Instagram we curate the most captivating imagery, on Facebook we share everything from relevant news to inventive blog posts, and so on.

The radical increases in followers, engagements, visitors and impressions can be attributed to the photos, videos, blog entries and timeline posts we shared on their social media. Rather than over-saturating the online landscape with mediocre content simply to increase visibility (a common mistake many amateur companies make, which always backfires spectacularly) we only post sharp, visionary and unique material in order to help your page stand out. At Iconogram Group, we’re committed to gaining results on your behalf with integrity, as this is what will ultimately win you long-term allegiance from a community of loyal followers.

Conclusion – Iconogram Group

If these are the kinds of results we can achieve within the first thirty days, imagine what Iconogram Group can do for you on a long-term basis! We’re passionate about providing businesses with social media pages that serve as a captivating, dynamic extension of their company. And we’ll collaborate with you every step of the way to make sure you’re as thrilled with the results as we are. No modern business can afford to neglect their web presence, but at Iconogram Group we’ll pull out all the stops to make sure it’s an exceptional reflection of your brand.

To get started with Iconogram Group, contact us today!

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How We Can Help Your Business Adapt to COVID-19

By Richard Bruckner,

From coast to coast, businesses throughout the country have had to endure a lot of adversity this year. Everything from corporate conglomerates to independent mom-and-pop shops have had to make rapid, spontaneous adjustments to their businesses in order to survive the challenges of COVID-19. With unprecedented safety measures in place like social distancing, lockdowns and occupancy restrictions, most companies are jumping through numerous hoops daily in order to keep themselves afloat. However, if we’re capable of anything collectively as human beings, it’s the unique ability to respond to hardships with innovation.

As we’re continuously being presented with obstacles, we consequently figure out creative ways to conquer them. At Iconogram Group, our ability to establish exceptional digital footprints for our clients isn’t just a way to give you a memorable web presence. It’s also one of the most insightful survival tactics for businesses struggling to cope with the hardships of COVID-19. Iconogram Group and our team of web experts are fully equipped to help your business adapt to these new circumstances and provide you with the means to flourish in adverse conditions. In this post, we’ll discuss precisely how we can help you. Keep reading for more information!

1. Creating an Online Store

Countless businesses have built a sterling reputation on their exceptional products or services. Within their communities, they’re the consummate pros at what they do. However, since they’ve had no trouble succeeding with their stores over the years, they’ve never had a need to sell their products on the Internet. Therefore, they don’t have a website with an online store. Nowadays, with social distancing, constantly changing safety regulations and many people reluctant to leave their homes, brick-and-mortar stores are suffering. The most effective way to counteract this is by establishing an online store, and we can help you build it.

Developing a user-friendly online shop requires a team of dedicated pros to make sure you don’t just have a functional platform to sell, but that shoppers are actually compelled to buy. At Iconogram Group, our team of developers and designers will create an unforgettable interface for your store that’s the best possible reflection of your brand. Above all, our primary goal will be to provide you with an online platform that ensures your business can continue to thrive despite the hardships of COVID-19. Without an online store to sell your products to shoppers, you’re missing out on a critical opportunity to make sales and move inventory. We can make that happen for you at Iconogram Group.

2. Maintaining Your Social Media

Even when we’re not dealing with a global pandemic, establishing an unforgettable social media page for your business is absolutely critical. However, with the recent COVID-19 crisis, the importance of social media has only doubled. Nowadays, web-savvy businesses worldwide rely on it as an indispensable digital marketing tool. Even savvier businesses enlist help from the pros to give them a social media worth following – pros like the team at Iconogram Group!

The role a social media can play in a business’s success is truly astounding. Companies with a paltry customer base and limited visibility can develop an incredible following virtually overnight with a well-executed Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. It’s not just a great way to market your products and services in memorable ways – it’s also the best way to build a community of like-minded followers with enduring loyalty to your company.

At Iconogram Group, we rely on a proven system of quality content and strategic engagement (plus many more tactics) to promote your brand in a way that resonates with people on the largest possible scale. We guarantee a considerable increase in clicks, followers, engagements and prospective customers with long-term, enduring results. Whereas unscrupulous digital marketing companies focus on short-term results that ultimately damage your business’s visibility in the long term, at Iconogram Group we place a prominent focus on helping your business’s social media flourish for many years to come.

3. Keeping Your Community Informed

Since COVID-19 has created an unprecedented kind of instability and uncertainty for every business, it’s never been more important to keep your community informed. At Iconogram Group, we can provide you the ability to reach out to as many people as possible in order to keep them updated on critical information.

With your own online platform, we’ll ensure your followers and clientele remain informed on everything from closings to reopening, safety measures, updated policies, product availability, store hours and anything else you might wish to share with them. Right now, it’s vital to your survival to remain in touch with your customers and community, and at Iconogram Group we’ll make sure they’re never in the dark about anything.

Conclusion – Iconogram Group

Naturally, there are countless other ways we can help your business thrive online and survive COVID-19. It’s never been more important to have an extraordinary digital footprint, and at Iconogram Group we’re passionate about giving each of our clients a web presence that serves their business, their brand and most importantly, their customers.

For more information on Iconogram Group or our services, contact us today!

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3 Reasons Why Your Business Should Have a Memorable Instagram

By Richard Bruckner,

It’s no secret that digital marketing is the future of business. At Iconogram Group, we’ve made it our daily mission to give business owners an unforgettable digital footprint and create an online community of loyal consumers. Social media is more than just a great way to advertise your products and services, it’s also an indispensable tool for building your brand and showing prospective customers exactly who you are.
Instagram currently has over 800 million users scrolling through their feeds on a daily basis. It established itself a long time ago as one of the most popular social networking platforms. However, did you also know that it’s widely considered the most effective way to promote your business on social media? As a mostly visual medium, it can capture the attention of users in a much more profound way than other sites.
In this post, we’ll discuss the reasons why your business should have a memorable and engaging Instagram page. Keep reading to find out more.

1. Establish Your Brand’s Image

Like we said: Instagram relies on images to engage its users. Basically, the picture comes first and the content second. This means that it gives you more of an opportunity to establish a unique connection with your customers and followers. In addition, with a few innovative techniques, you can establish and refine your brand as well as its unique image.
A well-calibrated Instagram can feature whatever kind of content you want – as long as it accurately reflects you and your business, you can project exactly what makes your business distinct for everyone to see.

2. Improve Your Sales

An astonishing amount of web-savvy business owners have found that their sales numbers spiked directly after sharing an engaging Instagram post. With captivating images, memorable content and a few well-timed promotions, your Instagram page can absolutely revolutionize your bottom line.

3. Establish Connections & Build a Community

One of the most worthwhile reasons to focus on your business’s Instagram is the opportunity to capture the attention of people who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer. If you were to pay the absurd fee for a television commercial, the odds of reaching people who are sincerely interested in your product or service are paltry at best. However, with the kind of techniques we employ at Iconogram, you’ll be able to attract people with a genuine desire to know more about you.
And with 800 million users and counting, there’s a potential for reaching an astonishing number of customers.

Conclusion – Iconogram Group

At Iconogram Group, we know firsthand the power of social media to revolutionize businesses in all industries. Overall, while these three tips are incentive enough, the benefits of a savvy Instagram presence are truly incalculable. With Instagram, you can do more than just improve your bottom line, you can also create an unforgettable brand that captivates customers all over the globe.
For more information on Iconogram Group or our services, contact us today!

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Six Ways We Build Your Business’s Social Media

By Richard Bruckner,

No business can afford to ignore the power of social media. At Iconogram Group, we utilize countless tools to develop a very specific social media for you and your company that gains followers, generates unforgettable content and ultimately improves revenue. Now that we’re more than halfway through 2020, every business should develop a social media plan for the next four months. Using social media to fortify your brand is a given these days. Every business from a lemonade stand to a Wall Street hedge fund has a Facebook or Instagram page. It’s about as crucial to the success of your web presence as your website or online store.
When it comes to planning your social media strategy, you can easily begin to feel overwhelmed. Honestly, this isn’t uncommon. Many business owners have a grand vision for their social media but haven’t the first clue where to start. Usually, in these cases, this leads to severe procrastination and long-term inaction. Before you know it, a whole year or more passes with a stagnant and ineffective social media page.
And the fact of the matter is, many business owners are brilliant at what they do. However, they simply lack the sort of contemporary online finesse they need to manage their own social media pages. There’s nothing wrong with this, and that’s why we’re here – to give you an unforgettable social media so you don’t have to worry about it.
In this post, we’ll identify and discuss the six most basic ways we build a brilliant social media strategy to strengthen your brand. With these, we’ll establish a prominent and effective web presence on your behalf.

1. Identify a Goal

Obviously, this makes the perfect first step to any marketing strategy. Before we begin posting and sharing content, we figure out what exactly you want to accomplish. Your goal shouldn’t be what kind of content you want to post. You should ask yourself what you want the world to learn about you and your services.
So before anything, we’ll consult with you to establish what you want your followers and customers to learn. Do you want to share information on your products and services? Or are you aiming to improve your sales?
It’s okay to have more than one goal in mind for your social media. However, it’s definitely good practice to reign it in a little, and try to maintain focus on a select few. Once you provide us with this critical information, we take it to step two.

2. Establish Your Voice

Once we have your goals established, the next step is figuring out how to achieve them. This involves your brand’s “voice.” Your voice is borne out of the content we’ll post on your page. Essentially, we’ll need to plan precisely what it is your business will be sharing with the world.
Some of the most popular content shared by businesses are their blog posts. They often describe their products and services in great detail. Another option is to share articles or posts written by others that are relevant to your field. Many companies share “behind the scenes” videos introducing their staff and practices to their audience. At Iconogram Group, we can collaborate with you to create content that showcases your products and work in a very distinctive way that captures the attention of followers and prospective customers.
When we’re establishing your brand’s voice, we’ll figure out what the tone will be. Do you want your content humorous, quirky or offbeat? Do you want to remain serious and ultra-professional? Usually, this is what dictates the content we’ll be posting on your behalf. Once we know your desired tone, we’ll know precisely what fits your page.

3. Participate in the Cultural Conversation

This isn’t necessarily considered a critical part of social media strategy by everyone. However, at Iconogram Group we think it’s an advisable tactic. Also, this is very much a part of establishing your brand’s voice as well as the appropriate content. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to give your page advanced visibility.
If there’s a certain topic that’s dominating headlines and hashtags at the moment, we’ll take advantage of it. We’ll comment on it while working in your brand or products. Obviously, we avoid hot-button issues that are super sensitive or politically charged. If it’s something that’s bound to be incendiary or offensive, then we’ll steer clear of it. We don’t want an ugly discourse taking place right on your social media page.

4. Determine Your “Schedule”

Part of our ultimate goal will involve how often your page produces and shares content. Essentially, your social media schedule will be embedded into our daily itinerary. We’ll have a specific allocation of time designated solely to your social media.
We’re not just determining how often we’ll be producing content. We’ll also decide how often we’ll be engaging with customers and followers on your behalf, answering messages and replying to comments. Ultimately, depending on your goals and specific requests, we’ll produce enough content to keep followers and clients attentive and engaged.

5. Choose Your Best Platforms

This may come as a surprise, but not every social media platform may work for your business. Nowadays, there are a lot to choose from. But part of our strategy will be figuring out which ones can best represent you and your brand.
Before establishing accounts with these platforms, we’ll do some research. We’ll look into which platforms are the ideal match for your business. Obviously, your best fit depends on your business, your requests and your social media goals. For example: Twitter is considered the best platform for electronic and tech industries. Many tech influencers have built an online community sharing products, links and news out of Silicon Valley. Pinterest is the perfect option for the food industry. Many aspiring chefs use it to post photos of their products and share their recipes.
Ultimately, this decision depends on you, your business, your audience and your goals.

6. Engage Your Audience

Before the Internet revolutionized the way we do everything, we relied on telephones alone to contact businesses. Nowadays, the average consumer has several ways to get in touch with a company. One of those methods is to post on a company’s social media page.
The more web-savvy businesses place a high priority on responding to these comments swiftly, politely and professionally. Basically, this is the way to go, and this is how we do it. We also have a very specific means of dealing with negative feedback on your social media page. For many businesses, customers can often have a bad experience and vocalize their unabashed opinions online.
Obviously, there’s a huge temptation for you to teach unpleasant customers a lesson. However, this is definitely a bad idea. We always resolve these issues as courteously, politely and considerately as possible. If it’s a comment on your Facebook or Instagram, all of your other customers can see it, too. They’ll be looking to see how your business replies to complaints or discrepancies. That’s why we’re determined to resolve these issues in a way that reflects beautifully on you and your brand.
In our professional experience, it’s just as important to acknowledge the customers who share their enthusiasm and positivity. We show appreciation for their kindness with heartfelt comments, or even promo codes for discounts on your products (if you approve). It’s never a bad idea to reward the customers who are willing to publicly share their positive feedback.


If you own a business, establishing a legitimate social media presence is a fantastic way to increase visibility and gain more customers. Nowadays, it’s considered an indispensable tool and part of the most basic online survival kit.
Ultimately, our methods can only help your business thrive. Putting them to use is the best way to bring your social media vision to fruition. Iconogram Group employs all of these tactics plus many, many more to carve out a monumental corner of the Internet for your business. These are the most basic ways we give your business a magnificent online presence – but there are a lot more advanced techniques we rely on to give you an unforgettable social media.

Written by:
William Buhagiar

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